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................................--- Canopy & Engine Runs!! ---..........


The first canopy didn't match the profile of the rear very well so I changed the 2024 T3 (aircraft) to 5052 X .050 so I could stretch and shrink the metal easier. I'm learning about working with aluminum and have borrowed a few tools to help get the job done. It is still pretty rough but it will have to do for now.


This canopy skin was made in 3 pieces so it would be easier to work in the roller, shrinker and English wheel. Of course then you have to weld the .040 aluminum which is not easy for an old man with a heavy hand!


This is the welded canopy ready for the windshield and .....uh.... body filler.


The engine has run on the Tech II and I have the idle sorted out with the lap top but will not pursue any more than that until I can run the exhaust into some kind of a muffler. It is loud!


Pork Pie says I probably won't like the optics through the windshield shape. At this point I'll have to try it.


A sponsorship by Lenny Van Harpen allowed me to purchase the emergency fire system. Lenny is building a nice rear engined '34 modified roadster. He put a little pressure on me to get the lakester done by Speed Week. I still don't know if that's going to happen, but I'm trying. I built brackets and tacked them in yesterday. I couldn't get the bottles out last night so I have to cut the brackets out and modify them. One step forward and two back yesterday! I over tacked them like I usually do.

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